When I was a young woman I got caught in a strong rip tide while body surfing. I was in the water a long time before I realized that I was in trouble .. I had been drawn way out .. so far I could barely make out my frantic friends on the shore. My friend Peter threw caution to the wind and entering the very dangerous current swan out to me. He got me to settled down and focus ... to see what dire straights I was in. Then with totally illogical advice he then guided me out of the current and on to the safety of the shore and my friends. He took a risk to help me .. he put himself in danger of the current AND in danger of a frantic swimmer dragging him under. Today I have been thinking (always a dangerous thing HUH?) about how sometimes life that is like. We are either like I was and look up and realize we are farther "out" than we ever imagined we could be .. in danger of being swallowed up! Or we can be my friends who watched frantically and did nothing ... or we are like Peter and we see someone we care about in trouble and take (an even risky) action to help. If you look up today and see you are in dire circumstances take the help offered! If you see a friend in trouble take the risk to help it could mean the world to them later. AND Peter .. somewhere out there .. THANK YOU!