Thursday, October 17, 2013

Ode to my Momma

One year ago today our family lost one of the most dear woman I have ever met.  My Momma .. Vinel Francis Baldwin.  She was in my life for 33 years and this blog cannot even begin to recount the memories she gave us ...  but if you will indulge me a moment I will do what I can to bring honor to her  :)

She was an amazing lady and I loved her dearly!  AND she loved me ... she often told me I was more than her daughter-in-law.   She said I was a blessing to her but in reality she was a far greater blessing to me :)

She was a devout church goer.  Always dressed to the HILT ... she never was able accept the fact that some folks wore pants to church.  She told the girls one time that she would never consider wearing pants to church ... "a nice pants suit to choir practice maybe"

Her insight was amazing (sorry if I say amazing a lot but she was) She told it like it was .. One day she said  to me "You know Lisa, down here there's a church on every corner.  You'd think it would do some good."

(That is her at the piano)

Momma was an extraordinary (self taught) musician.  She could sing and play piano like an angel .. a very LOUD angel :)  She freely shared her gift every she went!  One time she visited our little FBC and was to do some special music for us and as she approached the piano our Pastor saw she had no mic and hurried over to place one near her  .. I was desperately trying to wave him off and he looked at me like was so cruel to not let this sweet old lady have a mic ... man when she hit those key it was so loud the walls seemed to rattle .. I am pretty sure there are cracks in the plaster from that performance there today!  I can she a part of her every time I hear my girls sing!  She gave them the gift music!

She love to play "Skip Bos" cheated like a mad dog at Skip Bo (in fact once she told me she only liked playing it with people older than her because they did not pay good attention LOL)

She loved Wrigleys Chewing Gum ..  It used to get her in trouble with Jerome because she would leave it on her nightstand or stuck to her plate ... or anywhere LOL  He'd fuss and she'd just smile (and get her next piece).

Her family was second only to her faith.  She was totally devoted and she LOVED them all!!  The lovely and unlovely alike.  There was little Momma loved more than being around a HUGE gathering of family .. eating some wonderful food!  Some of my grandest memories are of those dear parties.  She would beam with pride when she saw her grands and greats!!

Mostly (for me) she was an incredible example of faith and hope.  Despite evidence to the contrary and in the face of daunting odds ... she always hoped .. she always believed .. she never gave up .. ever .. even in the end.  She was my hero.  I learned so much from her about love and God and the power of prayer!  Heaven is a happier place with her there .. and I can bet she is up there still pulling for her family even/especially for the ones who are not pulling for themselves!

If you are blessed to still have a momma that you treasure write her a letter (they do love written letters .. I was NOT good in that department)  .. send her a drippy card for no reason other than to tell her she is your treasure and you are glad to have her.   We can tell you that the days with your Momma are numbered and precious!

Dear Momma ... we remember and LOVE you!

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